Safetech has long-standing relationships with numerous hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, organ and tissue donation agencies and other specialized healthcare services. Given our extensive experience in these facilities, we understand the sensitivities associate with completing work in these spaces. Many of these environments are operational 24/7, have susceptible patient populations and sensitive equipment and laboratories that require special precautions and procedures to be implemented during any outside work.
Examples of services Safetech commonly provides at healthcare facilities for property/facility mangers, general contractors, insurers/adjusters, infection control practitioners, restoration contractors, architects, engineers and others includes:
Hazardous Building Materials
Surveys/assessments for planned renovations and emergency restoration projects
Scope of work documents, specifications, tendering and bid evaluation for hazardous materials abatement projects
Inspection and testing during renovation and demolition projects and post-abatement verification
Find out more about our Hazardous Building Materials Services
Construction-related Infection Control
Design/preparation of infection control specifications for construction projects
Inspection and air quality monitoring prior to, during, and post-construction
Contractor infection-control training (general and project-specific)
Find out more about our Infection Control Services
Occupational Hygiene
Surface, air and water sampling for infectious agents (e.g., opportunistic fungal pathogens, COVID-19, MSRA, Legionella)
Workplace exposure assessments to various chemical hazards (e.g., anesthetic gases, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, isopropyl alcohol, xylene)
Respirator fit-testing (qualitative and quantitative) for healthcare workers
Find out more about our Occupational Hygiene Services
Moisture mapping and water damage assessments
Identification, testing and inspection for hazardous building materials
Design/preparation of infection control procedures for emergency restoration projects
Find out more about our Insurance and Disaster Restoration Services
Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECAs) for air and noise
Emissions reporting
Spill / contaminated site assessment and cleanup
Find out more about our Environmental Services
Are you an OECM (Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace) Customer?
Many hospitals are OECM members to ensure compliance to the Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directives. OECM suppliers have passed a rigorous, open, fair and transparent procurement process. As an OECM Supplier Partner for Environmental Professional Services, Safetech is able to provide you with high quality, competitively priced services.
Find out more about OECM and our Environmental Professional Services